Your donation helps support our organization's mission to make a positive impact in the community. We appreciate your generosity and support!
In 2024 so far, Triple C Riders has donated to Ravenwood Gardens, Kids Fishing Derby, Stagemagic, Menominee Softball. Our Rivercities Charity Ride is set to donate to UP Foster Closet.
For 2023, Triple C Riders donated to the following organizations--Gatorfest, Marinette,/Menominee Kids Fishing Derby, Menominee County Sheriff Drone Program, Menominee County Sheriff K-9 Program. Our Rivercities Charity ride raised over $6500 for the Oconto County Humane Society and the Oconto County Veterans Memorial. Our Frosty Toy Run took in $5000 and donated over 2500 toys.
In 2022, we have donated to the following charities: M&M Sport Fisherman, MS/Cancer foundation--Jason Corey Project, MAPS Baseball, Menominee Animal Shelter, M&M Vets in Need, Peshtigo Soccer Club, Oconto Vets, Coleman School District-Washington DC Trip Meals, Shop with a Cop, Angel Tree, Project Give and we will be donating Toys to 3 local hospitals.
2021 UP Foster Closet, Menominee County K-9, CASA-Menominee County, St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry, Angel Tree, Project Give and we will be donating Toys to 3 local hospitals.
In 2020, despite being the year of COVID-19, Triple C Riders donated over $10,000 to to following area charities MS/Cancer Benefit, Freedom for Patriots, St. Vincent de Paul Pantries, Kingdom Come, Angel Tree and Toys for area Hospitals.
In 2019, donations were giving to Cancer/MS Benefit, Marinette County Safekids, MAPS Baseball, MAPS-STAR Program, Menominee Area Robotics Club, Twin Counties Free Clinic, St. Vincent de Paul Backpack program, St. Vincent de Paul-Menominee, St. Vincent de Paul- Marinette, Kingdom Come Food Pantry, Angel Tree and Toys for area hospitals. In total Triple C Riders donated over $16,000.
In 2018, donations were given to MAPS Boys Basketball, MS/Cancer Benefit, Park PTO, Marinette You Baseball, MYBI U-10 Soccer, MAPS Star Card donation, Marinette CASA, MAPS Boys Baseball, Shop with a Cop, St. Vincent de Paul Marinette Food Pantry, St. Vincent de Paul Menominee Food Pantry, Kingdom Come Food Pantry, Rainbow House, Angel Tree, and Toys for area hospitals. In total Triple C Riders donated over $13,000.
In 2017, donations were given to MAPS softball, Cancer/MS Benefit, Riggs (K-9 Unit), Special Olympics-Menominee, Rainbow House, Twin Counties Free Clinic, Kingdom Come Pantry, St. Vincent DePaul Pantry, St. Vincent de Paul-Menominee Pantry, CASA Marinette, Shop with a Cop Marinette, Shop with a Cop Menominee, Angel Tree, and BAMC received toys. In total Triple C Riders donated over $ 15,000.
In 2016, donations were given to Marinette Elderly, Cancer MS Benefit, MYBI Baseball, Rainbow House, Marinette High Band, MAPS-Hot Lunch, Healthy Youth Coalition, St. Vincent de Paul-Marinette, St. Vincent de Paul-Menominee, Kingdom Come Food Pantry, VFW, MMAC, Shop with a Cop, Angel Tree, and BAMC received toys. In total Triple C Riders donated over $ 17,000.
In 2015, donations were given to Marinette Special Olympics, American Legion Post 43, Rainbow House, Fore Their Future, Marinette Police K-9, Special Olympics, MS support group, St. Vincent de Paul-Marinette, St. Vincent de Paul-Menominee, Kingdom Come Food Pantry, Marinette Shop with a Cop, Menominee Shop with a Cop, VFW Post 1887, Menominee Sheriff, International Lifesavers, Angel Tree, and BAMC received toys.
2014-In 2014, donations were given to 3 area food pantries, Marinette & Menominee County Crime Stoppers, Marinette Youth Baseball, Menominee Special Olympics, Rainbow House, Elderly Services, VFW for Children's Party, Shop with a Cop, St. Vincent, Mid County Pantry, Rainbow House, Angel Tree, and toys were donated to BAMC.
2013-In 2013, donations were made to Elderly Services, Menominee County Services, Rainbow House, Mid-County Rescue, VFW for Children's Party, Menekaunee Old Timer's for Water fountain in Park, Menominee Shop with a Cop, Marinette Shop with a Cop, 10 different food pantries, Angel Tree, and toys were donated to BAMC.
2012- Bay Area Mounted Search & Rescue Project Lifesaver Menominee, Vets Helping Vets, Rainbow House, Respite Care, Special Olympics-Menekaunee, Habitat for Humanity, Free Clinic, Teen Court, CASA, St. Vincent De Paul, Crivitz Rescue Squad, Piper's Rescue Ranch, DAR Boys & Girls Club, Menominee Animal Shelter, VFW, Suicide Prevention, Food Pantry Stephenson, Salvation Army, Angel Tree, and toys were donated to BAMC.
2011-Marinette Police Department for Crime Prevention, SANE, Victims Services Unit, Food Pantries, Toy drive with Toys for donated to BAMC
2010-CASA, DAV, Victims Services Unit, Food Pantries, SANE, Marinette Police Department for Crime Prevention, toy drive toys were donated to BAMC
2009-Moving Wall Marinette, Habitat for Humanity, Teen Court, VFW, toy drive toys were donated to BAMC
2008-Haven of Hope, Shop with a Cop Marinette & Menominee, Evergreen School, "Keep Wisconsin Warm" Fund, Menominee Area Food Pantries, Haven of Hope, toy drive toys were donated to BAMC.
2007-Suicide Prevention, Ride with the Heat, St. Stephens Lutheran Church of Stephenson, Menominee Sheriff Department, Marinette County Special Olympics, Toy drive with all toys donated to BAMC.
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